Thursday, November 10, 2011

{24 Days of Thanksgiving=Day 10}

Some people might find this strange or not believe my sincerity but today I am so thankful for my school and the education I have been so blessed to receive. When I think about those who are not given the opportunity to learn it makes me even more grateful that I am. Even though I don't always enjoy all of my school or my homework God can use it all to teach me something. Education is important to me. There is so much that I gain from studying history, learning physics, and my english classes. I have learned a lot more about the history of our country this semester as I study American History, interesting (and applicable) things in Physics, and so much more than just writing in English.

English may be seen as a boring and tedious subject by some but I have a love for words. It is not my best subject and does not come easily yet I really enjoy it. I owe the love for writing to my wonderful teachers. Throughout middle school Mrs. Watson inspired creativity through her teaching and personal love for writing. Then in my eighth grade year I was so blessed when Mrs. Minter came to teach at our school. Not only did she love writing but she loved us. She truly cared and that made english all the more enjoyable. I had her through tenth grade and in those three years she taught us so much. I was sad when my classes with her ended but I felt well prepared for whatever God had next; and I was. In my junior year I took English Composition 1 and 2 and came out with A's in both classes. Now in my senior year of high school and taking World Literature (not the easiest class but bearable with the teaching I have previously received) I look back and remember the great times I had in those english classes with Mrs. Minter. How often is someone able to receive a quality education with caring and wise teachers?

I have learned not to take that for granted...especially as I encounter challenging professors in dual credit college classes. It helps me to realize the blessing I have had in my teachers and my school too. I love my school. It is so different than any school anywhere. Quality education. Inspiring teachers. Freedom to be yourself. I love that you never know what to expect when you arrive at CAIA. Sometimes there will be kids outside throwing the football or maybe having a deep discussion about the Lord or an important issue. Always, though, there are multiple kids making music. Talented kids. These kids know how to use their gifts to bless others... It might just be sitting in a circle outside the coffee shop or it may be performing onstage in our theatre in a show where a couple of hundred people just enjoy themselves and the talents other people have to share. Wherever it is, they bless people. They bless me. Teachers who I no longer take classes from but frequently stop to talk to me and catch up with my life bless me. One of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Bare, inspired my love for science. She plays a part in why I have decided to pursue an education in the medical field. She instilled a love for learning and science in me. She made it interesting. And she still stops to talk or hear what is going on. Mrs. Minter is the same way. I love it. The friends who love you for who you are and will gladly pray for you, be silly with you, or just be whatever you need in the moment bless me. I love that place. I am glad I have younger siblings who have some years left before graduation so I have a reason to go back and visit. Not that I need one other than the fact that I will just want to :)

The quality education I received from the teachers at my school has amazed me. I am beyond grateful and anytime I start to feel frustrated with school I remind myself of a verse that forever changed my perspective of school.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man."
Colossians 3:23

It makes it worth it because it is for Him.

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