Friday, November 18, 2011

{24 Days of Thanksgiving=Day 18}

Friday proved to be an eventful day and I am thankful for the opportunities that God gave me today. Sometimes you don't understand why you are doing something yet you know you are supposed to. That is how I felt about this particular experience.

Thursday my siblings and friends were shopping around in Southlake. We stumbled into Delias to see if we could find some jeans and noticed a "now hiring" sign on the window. My friend and I decided we would apply to just see what came of it! I had no reason not to it felt like so we just turned in applications and were told to come back in for an interview.

Friday was the interview. I didn't feel peace about accepting the job but I really did have peace about going to the interview. I didn't understand that but I went anyways. A couple of hours later we both received a call telling us they wanted to talk to us about hiring us and our hours. I immediately knew I wasn't supposed to accept this job. It was about the experience...the opportunity. I had never had a professional interview for a job and was so glad that I experienced what that was like. It made me think harder about what this season is supposed to look like though. I thanked them for their time but apologized and told them this is not where I needed to be this winter because I could not be fully committed.

Although I didn't accept this job it did cause me to think about this season and provided a great experience! There are some exciting things God has coming up and I am excited about that!

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