"These are a few of my favorite things..."
Baking. One of my favorite places to be is in the kitchen. I love making messes and experimenting. I love making old recipes and attempting new ones. I am not an artsy person nor a musical person but the place where my creative juices start to flow is in the middle of mixing and making and baking.
Playing games. I think games can bring such happiness! I absolutely love playing any game... from cards to Settlers of Catan to Monopoly to charades to dominoes to (insert a game). I'm such a game person and I really don't know why much other than it is exciting and a fun way to interact with other people.
Personal Worship Time. In my personal worship time is where I really feel that God meets me right where I am. The other night I was home alone baking while listening to worship music. I have to take advantage of a quiet house to really get special alone time with God. It doesn't have to be a specific way or a specific place. God tends to meet me right where I am. Baking is a great place to do that. So while quietly worshipping and floating around the kitchen to mix up some Thanksgiving goodies I spent time talking to God and listening for His response. I felt so much strength infused into me after that night. It is amazing how impactful just small amounts of quiet time with the Lord can be.
These are just a few of my favorite things that I am thankful for that I have been able to experience this week. I love how the Lord cares about the small desires of our heart and wants to provide that for us.
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