Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What I've Been Reading

1) "Meditating on the promises of God will strengthen you." Isn't that encouraging? That is the sixth chapter in a book I am reading called "Strengthening yourself in the Lord" by Bill Johnson. First of all, Bill Johnson is just cool. Secondly, I really recommend reading this book or any of his books. After I finish this one, I think I am going to read a Kris Vallotton book. We have a whole shelf of their books so I will have plenty of books to read. Here is a excerpt from the book I am reading that spoke to me today:

"Defining ourselves by the Word of God requires that we constantly train our minds to think in agreement with that Word. This means we have to remind ourselves of His promises often. But don't stop there! Learn to meditate on them. Like Mary, we must treasure them up and ponder them in our hearts (see Luke 2:19). While Eastern meditation tries to get people to empty their minds, biblical meditation focuses on our filling our minds-and our mouths-with the truth. Joshua 1:8 says, 'This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make you way prosperous , and then you will have good success.' One of the definitions for the Hebrew word "meditate" is "to mutter." Meditating involves repeating the words God has said out loud. As Joshua was told, this regular repetition of what God has said is the key to our ability to do the Word."

I know this is a long excerpt, but read it. It holds a lot of truth. I like how he compares eastern meditation, and how that is clearing your mind. But meditating, like the Word says, is filling your mind. If we repeat the Word and have our mind full of the Truth, we will be strengthened. Also, the last line where it says "to do the Word" made me smile because in my previous post I had been talking about that being a Christian is an action, not a noun. We need to do. Well, that's all about that book.

2) In the Word I am all over the place. My whole family is reading a proverbs every day for the month of July. I keep calling it 31 days of Proverbs. Today would be Day 14 or Proverbs 14. My mom suggested we pick out one verse from each chapter every day and meditate on that throughout the day. I am also writing that one verse down in a notebook. Then I am reading it, writing it, saying it, and thinking about it.

I also am reading through the gospels still. I am in Luke and it is taking me a while to get through it...

Sometimes I will just start reading in other random places too. It really is all good. =)

3) Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - an extremely incredible book. It is a lot to take in. I cannot rush when I am reading it, so I make sure I have plenty of time. I think I am halfway through it.

4) There are actually two other books I am reading, but they are kind of on hold. Generation Change by Zach Hunter. It is great, but I am more captivated by these other books. Also, I am still reading the Lost books by Ted Dekker. I am not liking it is a much as his other books but it is another piece to the puzzle that needs to be read. I am on Lunatic-the fifth of six, so only those two left then I can read the Paradise novels, which I think will be really interesting!

Slowly I am slipping out of the fiction/story literature and more into inspirational non-fiction books. The fiction books don't hold my attention as much because I want to be fed. I'm looking for food. I am hungry for more and you just don't find it in fiction as much. Don't get me wrong...I have read Ted Dekker and other fiction books that have taught me a lot. I love literature. Just right now, I am into spiritual growth books. =)

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