Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Festivities

For years Ash and I have wanted to plan a Christmas dinner party. But more specifically a progressive dinner. At least ten New Years Eves ago my parents were a part of a traveling dinner party which sparked the interest in me. It is one of those things that gets talked about but never happens. This year I am set on doing things I have not done over the years to make the most of my last year in high school :) This party was one of them...

We started out with appetizers and mingling at the Sellars... Thank you Aunt Dana for opening up your beautiful home to us :)

We then drove across the street to the Pollocks to enjoy a few bites of salad before continuing onto the Harkins for a delectable main course including pasta and chicken with sauteed veggies plus Holiday Punch!

After a time of spontaneous worship, we left for the final house (our home) for desserts and games.

Altogether it was a lovely night. It was a refreshing night and a wonderful way to enjoy our break and this special season. The memories made so far have been amazing and I know there are so many more to come :)

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