Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Changing of Colors

Summer. Fall. Winter. Spring. From one season to another our surroundings change - Sunny and dry to chilly with falling leaves to a magical cold (with possible snow) then to sunshine and cool air until the cycle begins again. There is a constant change in our surroundings (especially in Texas :)) that produces growth and life.

We experience these seasons in life. Not only as characteristics of the weather but personally, in our hearts and minds and simply our journey through life.

Recently, along with this change in weather (which is delightful!), I have felt a shift in this season of life. The ending of the old and the beginning of the new. I like change. I get restless with a repetitive pattern of life. It could be easy to become too comfortable and I am not okay with that. Change inspires thought. It builds character and causes growth.

It is the simplest events of life that spark change - that mark a shift in seasons - a change of colors. As our latest show at school came to an end, my season of stage managing ended too. Immediately I was switching roles, auditioning for a show, and preparing for a new adventure. It amazes me how quickly change can occur and the effects that has on people. We have to allow the previous season to be a preparation for the next. Stop trying to hold yourself back when God has SO much more for you if you just let go. Remember the experiences but embrace what is now and what is coming. This show is a part of my last season of high school. It's exciting! No, it's not all easy but its fun! It's an adventure - those are never perfectly smooth. Enjoy this adventure. "It's simple - it's not easy, but it's worth it."

All this to say I am excited about this change in color and adventurous, refreshing, new season.

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