Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SO much change.

Change is inevitable. I am learning that more now than ever.

I felt like I would never get older, like graduation and college would never come. Now it is though and I can't stop it.

I felt like I would be ten forever and none of my siblings would ever leave and all of my friends would always be there. That is just how time moved then. It was slow. Now I am graduating, moving to another state, and turning eighteen all within a few months. Not to mention I have a sister who lives in California who has been married for three years and now a brother moving to New Orleans. When did that happen?

Literally every day goes by faster. Those days become weeks which turn into months and eventually into years. That is how fast it all seems now. I remember last summer like it was yesterday. The beginning of my fall semester could be last night and the beginning of this semester might as well be this morning. Now it is the afternoon and I am finishing high school.

I still anticipate graduation. I am beyond excited for that monumental moment when I walk across the stage and receive my diploma marking the end of one wonderful season and the beginning of another. Still I am a little nervous. A little sad. I don't want to leave this life behind and make a new one. I'll carry it with me as much as I can but the change that comes with growing up is inevitable.

No, I won't see my people every day or be a part of the every day life that goes on here. I will be making a new life 5 hours way with new friends. That cannot be helped. But I will do my best to stay connected. I will try to hold on to everyone that means the most to me. I can only do so much though and in the rest I will trust. I will trust that God's plans are better than my own. I will trust that He will comfort me when I can't help but miss all of home. I will trust that the bond I have with people here will not be easily broken.

I look forward to the adventures that are ahead. I will embrace all that God has for me right now and make the most of every moment I have. I will embrace change and love life. There is really so much that has come from the change in my life, good things. I know that will be true as the years continue and more of God's plan for my life unfolds.

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