Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Compared to Eternity

I spent a few days in Georgia a couple weekends ago with many people I love dearly. I don't like living far away. Not that I would want to leave here to live there but I do wish they still lived here. I wish that I could just walk across the street to spend my afternoon with my sweet friend and her baby and hilarious husband. I wish that Grammy and Papa were there to have family dinners on a regular basis. I wish we all could be closer and I could spend my time more consistently with them.

While I was in Georgia though I had a change in perspective. My realization that eternity is much longer than the time we are here became a deep understanding. As much as I miss them and love being around them, all of the times I wish I could be with them does not even add up to the length of time I will actually get to be with them forever.

I still cannot understand why it happens that I become so close to people who either move or are not a part of my life anymore. I have experienced friendships being taken away. Very close friendships. I have felt deep pain from separation of ones I deeply love. But I have also experienced healing and comfort from a God who is more than enough.

While I am here these things might not make sense. I might not understand why my best friend can no longer be that for me or why a sweet baby would steal my heart then have to move hours away. I might not get why I have to feel the pain but I have hope in a God who will never leave me or forsake me. For now I will love with no regret because now is nothing compared to eternity.

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